The Method of JSCC Precision Research on Speed Control of Speed Governing Motor
1、 Computer version SF series panel type governor
1) Digital display speed regulation, automatic magnification display;
2) It can realize slow acceleration and slow deceleration;
3) The control port is electrically isolated and can be directly controlled by PLC;
4) Built in running capacitor;
5) Motor locked rotor protection.
2、 Computer version SK series built-in governor
1) Digital display speed regulation, multi segment speed, automatic magnification display;
2) It can realize slow acceleration, slow deceleration and fast stop;
3) 0-10V analog control or external potentiometer speed regulation;
4) The control port is electrically isolated and can be directly controlled by PLC;
5) Motor locked rotor protection.
3、 Potentiometer kit, resistance value: 5K Ω
1) Used with SK series built-in governor;
2) It is externally connected to manually adjust the motor speed.
4、 Analog SPC series panel type governor
1) Simple panel type speed regulation control;
2) Built in running capacitor.
5、 DK series bus type speed regulating driver
1) CC-CAN (RS-485) communication bus is used to control the motor through CC-CAN (Modbus) protocol.
2) One machine can be used for multiple purposes, and can control 6-200W full series multi-functional reduction motors.
6、 DF48, DF50 digital display panel
1) Used with SK series built-in governor;
2) It can digitally display and control the motor speed, operation and stop.